Kaka, Ahmed

Ahmed Teli, also known as Ahmed Parawara Kaka (roughly translated as Uncle from buffalo-folk) was a dairy farmer, who sold and distributed milk to those who couldn’t afford it.

He had so many of his own Bess(buffalo cows) that he needed to keep his own buffalo bulls for the purposes mating, as he could not depend upon the communal bull of the village, which is how the title came about.

Ahmed Teli and he and his wife Khadija were noted for their charitable works and , no beggar was turned away from their door. Daily food, milk and money was given out by them and this tradition still continues. They had a tradition of feeding the entire village by making large pots of kichroh etc. Great emphasis was given to Deeni taalim

Khadija was pious and Women of her village and other would come to her for deeni advise. Her dua for her children and Nasl to be on deen. Feeding of many ulama and Mashaaikh from her house. She passed away in Makkah during haj and is Burried in Jannatul Muallah Makkah right next to Hazrat Khadija R.A.


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته