There is historical evidence of Arabs and Persians settling along the Konkan-Gujarat coast as 7th century AD. 39 Arab traders landed at Ghogha, located just across the narrow Gulf of Cambay from Baruch Surat, around the early seventh century and built a masjid there facing Jerusalem.
Gujarat has the oldest mosque in India built between 624 and 626 C.E. by the Arabs who traded and stayed there. These Arabs and others who settled in Bharuch and Surat were sailors, merchants and nakhudas , who belonged to various South Arabian coastal tribes while others were from the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean , and large numbers married local women adopting the local Gujarati language and customs over time
At the advent of the 2nd Fitna in Islam , on the assassination of Uthman R.A, many Sahaba and Taabieen remained neutral and opted to rather make a hijrat for the spread of deen and avoid getting avoiding getting involved in the fitnah.
Around 10000 thus made the hijrah to Gujarat , From the original tribes that made this hijrah. Kholvad has many of the descendants including the Bhayats, Batas, Badas Jassats , Salehs and Telis.
Kaka’s originate from the Teli family who are the direct descendants of the Banu Tamim Tribe.